UP Lekhpal Exam Syllabus

UP Lekhpal Exam Syllabus 

General Hindi

§  अलंकार

§  अनेकार्थी शब्द वाक्य संशोधन -लिंग

§  विलोम

§  रस

§  लोकोक्तियाँ

§  पर्यायवाची

§  संधियां

§  तद्भव तत्सम

§  वाक्यांशों के लिए एक शब्द

§  मुहावरे

§  समास

§  कारक

§  त्रुटि से सम्बंधित

§  वचन

§  वर्तनी

§  काल

Arithmetic & Statistics

§  Number System

§  Percentage

§  Profit Loss

§  Statistics

§  Classification of Facts

§  Frequency, Frequency Distribution

§  tabulation

§  Cumulative Frequency

§  Formulation of Facts

§  Bar Chart

§  Pie Chart

§  Histogram

§  Frequency Polygon

§  Central measurement : Parallel Mean

§  Median & Mode.

§  Algebra

§  LCM & HCF

§  Relation between LCM & HCF

§  Simultaneous equations

§  Quadratic Equations

§  Factors

§  Area theorem.

§  Geometry

§  Triangle & Pythagoras Theorem

§  Rectangle, Square, Trapezium

§  The perimeter & Area of the parallelogram

§  The perimeter & Area of Circle.

General Knowledge

§  World Geography

§  World Geography & Population

§  General Science

§  Current Affairs of National & International

§  Freedom Movement

§  Importance of Indian History

§  Indian Politics & Economics

§  Indian History

Society & Development

§  Village Development & Land Reformation

§  Village Development

§  Programme & Management

§  Village Health Schemes

§  Village Development Research

§  Village Social Development

 https://baazaaraalife.blogspot.com/2023/08/khan-sir-polity-test.html    https://baazaaraalife.blogspot.com/2023/08/khan-sir-chemistry.html

